Monday, June 29, 2009

Catching My Breath

Happy Feast of Sts Peter and Paul! I have just returned from a week of craziness, but I had to post something on this great feast, even if just pictures of the blessings of my week!

I started out last Friday helping set up for a huge Workcamp (for those of you who don't know what Workcamp is- it's a camp for Catholic teens. They do community service by day and have prayer and a fun program at night. I used to take teens to Catholic Heart Workcamp when I was a YM, but Arlington is so amazing, they have their OWN camp!) and I stayed the week helping with evening program and music. I got to sing everyday with Steve Angrisano, which was a great experience, and God was truly present to me and all the Workcampers last week. He was physically present in the Eucharist (there's just something awesome about turning a high school into GOD'S HOUSE for a week :)but also very present to me in my faithful youth ministry friends and in prayer each day. Praise Him! It still makes me question why I'm not more in ministry, but one day at a time :) I'm enjoying the little opportunities He gives me.

After a blessed week of prayer and praise at Workcamp, I drove from VA to Ohio for a quick weekend celebrating my sister, Janet, who is getting married in Sept! We had her Bachelorette Party and shower this weekend and it was also very blessed. Everything went pretty perfectly, if I do say so! Though, it should, since I've been done this wedding stuff a time or two before in my day... ;)

Lastly, today is the feast of Sts Peter and Paul! Yeah! Two men that give me much joy simply because they are a reminder that God chooses broken, weak people to do amazing things! Peter- the man who tried so hard to follow Jesus, but still didn't always quite get it- Jesus leaves His Church to! And Paul- who persecuted Christians- fell in love with Christ and walked to the ends of the earth preaching and converting others! They do give me hope!

I'm home in DC for three days before leaving for a fabulous Fourth of July trip to LA, California to spend time with some college friends! Back to the blog when I return. But here are some pics to prove I have been busy! :)

1 comment:

Maria said...

So happy that things went well for Janet's bachelorette. You're a PRO! And thanks for the St. Peter and Paul thoughts, so refreshing!

Love and miss you, my dear! Safe travels to California. (will you be around for Gaby's birthday?)