Sunday, September 23, 2007

Faithfulness, Faithfulness...

Is what God has shown to me!!!

Last week obviously started well since my sister and cousin were so generous to me with their surprise trip. But it was almost bittersweet because then I think it made me miss the "outside" a little. Just a little.

I also deal daily with the little quirks and demons that wrestle inside of me. Its sooo true that when we are doing well that's when we have to be on our guard because the devil doesn't like it!

I was so content the past couple weeks and sooo blessed with joy and fun, this week was a little more difficult because I think the devil was like, "oh yeah? really? you think these people are fun? You think this life is fun?" It still didn't make me question anything, but it did bring down my joyful mood just a little. And I started to get a little lonely for friends from home and people who know me.

But God knows what we need and what we can handle! Literally, as I was praying Friday to the Lord to help me deal with the little bits of loneliness or selfishness, my friend from CUA who is studying at the Jesuit seminary here in STL called me. In the middle of prayer! The sisters had some extra tickets to a G.K. Chesterton play (which ended up being pretty good) and my friend and I took the tickets. It was so nice to be out and just with someone who knew me in a "former life" ;)

And I had also recently spoken with our vocations director- she made her monthly phone call to check up on us postulants :) I shared with her that I'd been frustrated with myself in the Book Center because I know NOTHING of retail and am not exactly the best with customer service. I prefer to talk to people and "minister" and hear their stories. So she [the vocations director] said she'd pray for that for me. And wouldn't you know that Saturday morning I didn't sit down once because people kept talking to me! I'd run to show them something or look for a book, and then they'd just start talking to me about the Church or about Art, or about something I actually KNEW how to talk about! Since I don't know much about the authors or items we carry, or stuff we have in stock yet, i feel dumb most of the time people talk to me. But God is FAITHFUL. And that's why I wanted to blog about His faithfulness!

Today I went for a walk in a park with Sr. Agnes and am going to see Shrek 3 (yeah for $1 movies!) with Alina and Emily. And then we have ADORATION! Yeah!!!! A perfect day, if you ask me! God is good! All the time!



The Grammarian said...

Julia, I cannot imagine you failing at retail. You are such a lovely, good-humored person. You could sell me a book that I didn't even want and I would probably walk away with a warm feeling about it! But it does crack me up to think about a nun praying for someone's retail skills. Even though I know that's not the *heart* of the prayer. It's still hilarious.

I was telling my priest friend the other day sometimes how I envied him because in his vocation, he is working to totally yolk himself with God. Sometimes I feel that as a married person and a soon-to-be-mother that my brain is constantly being shared with Hub or with Baby and I never get to have an honest discourse with the Lord because I am so dang distracted all the dang time. Your vocation allows you to really keep God in your foremost thoughts and while I'm not naive to how distracting the world is (period.), I know how much I long for quiet time with God and I hope you can take advantage of this privilege as much as it is possible in the coming months to do so!


Maria said...

God is so faithful! How is our Jesuit friend? Please tell him the Sousas send their love next time you hear from him. Miss you my dear!