On our postulant blog (
http://fsppostulants.blogspot.com) you will find most likely some appropriate pics of our Easter celebration and exhibit in Indianapolis.
I offer you here the "off the beaten path" pics, if you will ;)
The week was really beautiful. Triduum was thoroughly celebrated with much reflection as you can imagine. We had a retreat on Good Friday and went to every liturgy imaginable for Triduum including a Maronite ritual on the eve of Holy Saturday (or also Good Friday) that was like a funeral for Jesus. They took the corpus off of a cross (not too big to be frightening for me ;) and put the 'body' in a coffin type thing and carried it around the Church while chanting lamentations in Arabic. I saw something similar in Guatemala, which I believe they do every Saturday to commemorate the Lord's burial before His resurrection. In Guate, they moan and throw flowers on the body...and the body is much more real looking for those of us with statue phobias (me!)....
Anyways, Easter was celebrated with Mass in the morning, a big lunch/dinner, and Easter egg hunt which, I don't like to brag but, I WON. Ha! It was all in good fun and so far every holiday we've celebrated, each feast has been very appropriate and fun for me.
Easter Monday, Emily, Sr. Jerome, Sr. Laura, and I were off to Indianaoplis for the NCEA- National Catholic Educators Association- convention. We had a table along with 500 other exhibitors! It was huge! Apparently over 5,000 people attended. We did meet alot of lovely people, and for me, I really enjoyed the mission aspect of the trip. This is our mission in action, and it was cool to be doing during the week the apostles were also going out telling the Good News of the Resurrection.
The highlight(s) of the week in Indie for me were probably hanging out with Sr. Rose, our "celebrity" sister who came in from LA to give a talk at the conference. She really embodies what I love about our mission- using the modern means of the media- like secular films and our culture- to preach and teach about Christ. She spoke about how we need to create discussion with kids and be "in the culture" with them...not block it out. She reviews movies for St. Anthony Messenger Press and has a blog on aol.com 'my journals'. You should check it out- Rose Pacatte- just google her name!
The other highlight, aside from meeting people and distributing our materials, was staying at a Benedictine Monastery. We stayed with the sisters instead of getting a hotel and it was such a peaceful place. The sisters were very hospitable and funny....I think the pictures will explain better though, so enough talking....
God bless your Easter Season! 62 days til my break! :)